What makes a good trophy sika stag?

What makes a good trophy sika stag?

We’re in Dorset, in the UK, sika stag hunting. Local sika deer stalking guide Sam talks us through the sorts of trophies you can expect in this part of England by taking us to a reserve full of wild sika who don’t mind close encounters with the public. We even spot a white sika stag […]

Daystate Wolverine .303 – hot air or hot stuff?

Daystate Wolverine .303 – hot air or hot stuff?

There’s a lot of talk about the new Daystate – but instead of putting in the hands of an airgunner we’ve asked a rifle reviewer with a love of gunpowder to put it to the test. Tim Pilbeam compares a .17HMR and a .22 rifle against the Wolverine, looking at grouping, punch, and most importantly […]


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