British Open Sporting 2015
Find out what happened at the British Open Sporting 2015 – which shooters made it, who crashed out and who didn’t turn up. This item appears in Claysports, episode 5. To watch the whole show go to Sign up for our weekly email newsletter
Challenge Aaron – Balancing Act
How many clay pigeons can you balance on your head and still shoot straight? You are not allowed to break them. Find out how top shot Aaron Heading gets on in the latest Challenge Aaron. This film is sponsored by Laporte clay pigeons and traps This item appears in Claysports, episode 5. To watch […]
Schools Challenge TV – How to Get Started in Olympic Trap
TSC regulars Jess Allan and Heather Dunmall are thinking Tokyo 2020. While Britain’s top shooters aim for a place at Rio 2016, Heather and Jess are already on the talent pathway to Olympic glory in five years time. They go to Bisley to show how to get started in Olympic shooting events. There is also […]