Angling is tougher than it looks. Anglers put as much strain on their hearts during fishing competitions as Premier League footballers in a match, researchers have discovered. The research came from the Fish ‘O’ Mania match, which has a top prize of £30,000. Anglers wore heart-rate monitors
An angler from South Gloucestershire has landed a fish in the Bristol Channel normally found in the Mediterranean. 68-year old Phil Lewis landed the first ever megrim to be caught in the Bristol Channel. It is a kind of sole normally found off the coast of North Africa.
The day went from bad to worse for one man out fishing in Scotland. His boat developed engine trouble and, by the time he returned to Dunbar Harbour, the car he had left on the slipway had been engulfed by the tide.
Rotten fish are driving tourists away from a pristine beach north of Perth, Australia. Dead fish and crabs have been washing up on Jurien Bay. A sand build up at the mouth of a marina is to blame. Seaweed gets stuck in the bay and releases gases as it rots, killing marine life.
And finally, a Swedish eel has slithered its last after 155 years. Thought to be the world’s oldest eel, it was found dead in a well in the little Swedish fishing town of Brantevik. When Åle entered the world in 1859, Napoleon III was King of France, and work had just started on the Suez Canal.
This item appears in Fishing Britain, episode 32. To watch the whole playlist, go to
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