Fieldsports Britain – Flower Power Pigeon Hunt

What attracts woodpigeons to pretty lupins? Andy Crow doesn’t know – but he knows they are flying in and damaging this crop, so he is out to shoot them. Here’s how to decoy a flower field. That’s not all. Fieldsports Britain goes all international this week. Thomas Lindy Nissen looks at hunters who get buck fever and miss – he goes to Poland. There’s a Rolls Royce designed for tiger-hunting in News, Hunting YouTube leads on a lovely Austrian roebuck hunter called Lilly and – continuing his tour of the Mediterranean, Charlie has gone to Israel to see whether they like hunting (yes, wild boar, even though it isn’t kosher). Pigeons, pigs, roebuck and tigers – a good sporting week for Fieldsports Britain.

Here are the links to the items:

▶ Crowhow

▶ News Stump

▶ ‘Hallo Charlie!’

▶ Israel

▶ Buck fever

▶ Hunting YouTube

Here are the links to Hunting YouTube:
Survival Lilly
Captain Bowman
MRAD Outdoors

▶ Shares 
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