Fieldsports Britain – Summer Foxing

Two of the world’s most popular foxshooters – George Digweed and Michaelka – are doing their thing this in this week’s Fieldsports Britain. George is making sure his pheasant shoot in the South-East of England is ready, and not over-run with foxes. Michaelka is out on farmland near her home in the Czech Republic. Plus there is News with Bear Grylls under fire over snaring, ‘Hallo Charlie!’ is big on foxing this week, and Hunting YouTube has duck, deer and catapults.

Here are the links to the items:

▶ George Digweed

▶ News Stump

▶ ‘Hallo Charlie!’

▶ Michaelka

▶ Hunting YouTube

Here are the links to Hunting YouTube:
Into the wilderness
Gamekeeper John
Coypu Hunter
WILD Jaeger
Dane LaJoy Outdoors
Ongaro’s Outdoor Outfitters
Banded Nation

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