Fieldsports Britain – Hunting on your Mediterranean Holiday

You know those hills you can see from the coast? They are full of game.
We answer the burning questions of the moment:
☆ How do you sneak away from your Mediterranean beach holiday to go shooting?
☆ Are the roebuck rutting yet?
☆ Who won the biggest prize in rifleshooting?
☆ Which Master of Foxhounds has had a sex change?
If you call yourself a sportsman or woman – or even if you are a little bit of both – how can you get through your week without knowing the answers to this lot? Easy. Click ‘Play’ and all will be revealed. Tim Pilbeam is after mouflon on the Dalmatian coast, Roy Lupton is stalking roe in Sussex, Charlie Jacoby reports on the latest action from Bisley, there are rabbits, wild boar, and a good dose of anti-bashing, all in this week’s Fieldsports Britain.

Here are the links to the items:

▶ Croatia

▶ News Stump

▶ ‘Hallo Charlie!’

▶ Roe rut

▶  Queen’s Prize

▶  Hunting YouTube

Here are the links to Hunting YouTube:
Halali MagazinTV
KUIU Ultralight Hunting
Andrew Reynolds
Ryan Darby
Chasse Passion
Trophy Pursuit
Wild TV

▶ Shares 
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We’re proud to promote enjoyment of fieldsports and the countryside. There are three guiding principles to everything we do on Fieldsports Channel:
▶ Shoot responsibly
▶ Respect the quarry
▶ Ensure a humane, clean and quick kill
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