Fieldsports Britain – Fine Night for Foxes

Roy Lupton has a big night on the foxes. He has got hold of the new Drone Pro 10X Digital Night Vision Rifle Scope from Night Vision Gear UK and tries it out on land around where he lives in Kent. The foxes are… were thick on the ground there. Meanwhile, Cai Ap Bryn, fresh back from hunting mouflon in Hungary shows how to make delicious mouflon burgers. There is a heartwarming tale of how an airport treated a shooter trying to fly his guns in news and Hunting YouTube is full of top tips on how to attract deer. It’s all in this week’s Fieldsports Britain.

Here are the links to the items:

▶ Night vision foxing

▶ News Stump

▶ ‘Hallo Charlie!’

▶ Mouflon cookery

▶ Hunting YouTube

Here are the links to Hunting YouTube:
Weekend Woodsmen
PaceProductions UK
Always Outdoors
GetFoxedTV from Best Fox Call
Clay Tall Stories

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