Fishing Britain – Lords of the Flies

Two of the top flyfishers in the world feature in this week’s Fieldsports Britain. Hywel Morgan gets all excited about how to fish the evening rise on a still water with dry flies. And we join Ally Gowans on a Scottish salmon river where he reveals how he came up with his world-famous Ally Shrimp salmon fly. That’s not all. Fishing Britain News reports on Sweden’s claim for the world kayak fishing record – a half-tonne Greenland shark. We have Gear Guide looking in more details at those frog lures we introduced last week, and Hooked on YouTube showcases the best fishing around the rest of YouTube in the last week. Keep it Fishing Britain.

Here are the links to the individual items:

▶ Civilised evening rise

▶ Fishing Britain News

▶ Savage frogs

▶ Ally Shrimp

▶ Hooked on YouTube

Hooked on YouTube links:
Willem WR Baits
Steve Douglas
Ray Montoya
National Geographic
NOAA Fisheries
Joey Antonelli

Garnffrwd Fly fishing and Holidays:
Daiwa Sports UK:

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