If you want to make sure of your place at the British Open, you’d better get cracking – bookings opened at one minute past midnight on Saturday 1 May 2021. The event typically attracts well over 1,000 entries, and the more popular squad times are quickly snapped up.
The historic CPSA British Open English Sporting Championships, to give the event its full name, returns to the North of England this year. It will be hosted by EJ Churchill at the Swinton Estate, near Masham in North Yorkshire, and runs from 1 to 5 September.

Targets will be set by Jamie Peckham from EJ Churchill and Tom Jones from West Midlands SG. The course will consist of 120 targets over 15 stands, shot over the first four days. At the end of each day, the top five from each class and category will be invited back to shoot the 75-target final on Sunday. The top six shooters in the final will go on to the super final to decide the overall winner of the Daily Telegraph Cup and the coveted title of British Open Champion.
The British Open Sportrap will run alongside from Wednesday to Saturday, with any shoot-offs required being held on the Sunday. There’s also a pool shoot, Rizzini gun demo area, trade village and daily raffle.

This year’s headline sponsors are Rizzini/ASI, Musto, Gamebore and Swatcom. Fine Shooting Accessories are also sponsoring this year’s event, and Promatic are providing their usual support.
Entries also opened at 00:01am on Saturday 1 May 2021 for the British Open English Skeet Championship, and the English Open Sportrap Championship.
Book your entry at the CPSA Championships website.
Read more about the CPSA British Open Sporting here.
Find out more about the Swinton estate and shooting ground at the EJ Churchill website.