Crow vs Childerley at the Jack Pyke Open 2021

The Jack Pyke Open at Sporting Targets in Bedfordshire is one of the highlights of the sporting clay shooting season, attracting nearly 1,000 entries over five days.

Fieldsports Channel’s Andy Crow and Paul Childerley are usually spotted shooting pigeons, pheasants or deer – but they’ve taken time out of their busy schedules to shoot the Jack Pyke, along with Instagram star Dan Thor.

As Sporting Targets’ Andy Clifton says, “anything could happen” – and it probably will! The banter is flying from the start. What exactly is the ‘Childerley Shuffle’, and will it help Paul beat Andy? Watch and find out!

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Find out more about Sporting Targets at their website here.
And check out Jack Pyke on Instagram here.

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