Mark Gilchrist shoots pigeons in Oxfordshire from an Idleback chair

Mark Gilchrist shoots pigeons in Oxfordshire from an Idleback chair

Shooting magazine celebrity chef Mark Gilchrist tries out the Idleback pigeonshooting chair on a spring day pigeon shooting with Shoot Warehouse in Oxfordshire. This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 68. To watch the whole show go to  

George Digweed shoots crows in Sussex

George Digweed shoots crows in Sussex

George Digweed tries out the new Idleback pigeonshooting chair on a day in Sussex. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 70. To watch the whole show go to

Pam Zaitz hunts deer in England

Pam Zaitz hunts deer in England

American TV host Pam Zaitz comes to the English Lake District to stalk native British red deer with stalker Jonathan Standing. This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 52. To watch the whole show go to

Abbey Burton hunts rabbits with night vision

Abbey Burton hunts rabbits with night vision

Abbey Burton and Ed Ling try out rabbit shooting with the new N550 Pulsar digi-sight and an Ideback chair. This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 68. To watch the whole show go to  


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