Foxing tips with Robert Bucknell

Foxing tips with Robert Bucknell

Fox shooting expert and author of the foxing bible “Foxing with Lamp & Rifle” gives a run-through on how to go foxing from a vehicle on your own, safely and efficiently. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 48. To watch the whole show go to

Protecting pigs from foxes

Protecting pigs from foxes

A farm in the East of England has a problem with a family of foxes. As well as snatching piglets they’re upsetting the sows and that can mean they crush their young. With pile of piglets for bait Roy Lupton is waiting out for them. This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 39. To […]

Louisiana hog hunting

Louisiana hog hunting

Here is the Alabama kid with his 1,051lb pig. Click here for the story Americans enjoy hunting both of their hog varieties. There are the wild boar, known as the ridgeback, and the wild pigs, domesticated breeds, gone feral. The wild boar grow to around 300lb and have a reputation for being aggressive. The feral […]

Go large! USA gun shops – watch and weep

Go large! USA gun shops – watch and weep

Hunting and fishing is on a different scale in the States and so is the shopping experience. Before visiting the Shot Show in Vegas we enjoy some retail therapy. We check out a BassPro and an independent gun store that dwarfs anything in the UK. This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 113. To […]

How to shoot zombies with real bullets

How to shoot zombies with real bullets

  America has a new and dangerous quarry species that’s emerged this year: the zombie. Of course, they don’t exist… or do they? It all starts  in the swamps of Louisiana. Last year, a local hunter claimed he found his trailcam smashed. He retrieved the card from it and found this picture. Fake or not, […]


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