Long range rabbit shooting – graphic images – age restricted

Long range rabbit shooting – graphic images – age restricted

Is there an animal welfare issue with long range shooting? Some believe a miss is a miss and a hit will inevitably kill small quarry like a rabbit. We discus the effectiveness of the wildcat round Tac.20 and show close up slow motion images of rabbits being hit by it and a 22.250 at ranges […]

Driven pheasants – Roy goes on a shoot day in Hampshire

Driven pheasants – Roy goes on a shoot day in Hampshire

He’s good at hunting with his rifle, but what’s Roy like on pheasants with a shotgun? Home to writer Jane Austen, the pretty village of Steventon in Hampshire also has a good pheasant shoot. They ask Roy along to try out a day, and we follow him with a camera. For more about the Steventon […]

Fieldsports Britain : Long range pest control + flyfishing international

Fieldsports Britain : Long range pest control + flyfishing international

Hunting rabbits? We’re remote controlling rabbits — and we want to know what you lot think about long range shooting. Roy Lupton in the red corner says yes, do it. Tim Pilbeam in the blue corner says no. Then we are fishing. Which home nation has the best fly fishing team? – England, Scotland, Wales […]


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