Gundog training tips – Easy indoor training

Gundog training tips – Easy indoor training

Even when the weather is bad, you can still do dog training exercises indoors. Professional gundog trainer Howard Kirby in association with Skinners Petfoods brings you short informative films to help with your basic gundog training. Visit and This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 186. To watch the whole show go […]

Shooters’ Paradise – Big Bangs, Long Ranges

Shooters’ Paradise – Big Bangs, Long Ranges

Journalists from all over Europe arrive in Denmark to put Zeiss optics, RWS ammunition, Sauer rifles and themselves to the test. The Ulfborg range allows you to shoot both driven and static targets. The competition is fierce and sees people shooting freehand to 600 metres. This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 188. To […]

Deerstalking on a Segway

Deerstalking on a Segway

Roy is no Usain Bolt, but loan of a battery powered Segway-type machine could change his stalking for ever. This ultra-quiet mode of transport could mean covering so much more ground without disturbing his quarry – as long as he doesn’t crash it. This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 181. To watch the […]

Gundog training tips – Jumping

Gundog training tips – Jumping

Here’s how to teach your job to jump over obstacles. Professional gundog trainer Howard Kirby in association with Skinner’s Petfoods brings you short informative films to help with your basic gundog training. Visit and This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 180. To watch the whole show go to

Gamers go shooting for real

Gamers go shooting for real

We take some of the biggest names in gaming on YouTUbe – ChrisTrout91, Callux, TBJZL, DDot, TWiiNSANE – out to try out real rifles and fishing rods. The old lags of Fieldsports Channel – Andy Crow, Baby Crow, Mark Gilchrist, David and Charlie – give them a day to remember, shooting clays, fishing for trout […]

Decoying crows with a fox

Decoying crows with a fox

Pest control has its magic tricks. When it comes to reducing corvid numbers, Roy Lupton has a trick up his sleeve for attracting the attention of the birds. In the past, live owls and even ferrets have been used to keep the crows, rooks and jackdaws busy just long enough to get a shot off, […]

How to shoot a fox in your garden

How to shoot a fox in your garden

Shooting a fox from a bedroom window is not as easy as it might seem. Foxing expert Roy Lupton explains the best way to bait your garden and to make sure your shot is true. This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain episode 186. To watch the whole show go to Here are the […]


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