Headhunter Chronicles – Mexico

Headhunter Chronicles – Mexico

Jason Bruce of Headhunter Chronicles is hunting in Mexico. Jason heads to Mexico to hunt mule deer and Coues whitetail deer. Armed with bow and rifle, Jason is hoping the warm weather will bring the bucks out into the open and near to his blind. Watch Headhunter Chronicles, every Saturday from 6pm EST (9pm PST) […]

African BBQ Hunter – oryx sausage recipe

African BBQ Hunter – oryx sausage recipe

This is a recipe for the delicious braai dish ‘puff adder’, not because it has any puff adder in it, but because it look like a puff adder. It is a classic Namibian recipe and a good way to use oryx liver and kidney. Chop the liver and kidney, season and stuff the mixture with […]

African BBQ Hunter – oryx / gemsbok in Namibia

African BBQ Hunter – oryx / gemsbok in Namibia

The African BBQ Hunter is hunting oryx (gemsbok) with Otjiruze Safaris, Namibia’s oldest safari operation. The Rogl family offers hunting with rifle or bow, photo and flying safaris from their farm on the Swakop River, 90 km north-east of Windhoek. This clip comes from the African BBQ Hunter series. Visit www.bbqhunter.tv Here are the links […]


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