Fieldsports Britain – White Goshawk vs Pheasant – fast action

Some say don’t let falconers on to pheasant shoots. Happily, Roy Lupton is a popular guy so he and his hawks are welcome. He shows how to find and flush the birds with his Hungarian viszla, and how to bring them down with his white goshawk. That’s not all. We are at the British Shooting […]
Pike Fishing on a Canal – Fishing Britain Shorts

Ant Glascoe Jr. takes a day trip to Fleet near Farnborough to the Tackle Up shop where he is the guest at their open day and then takes a few of the punters out for some predator fishing. This item first appeared in Fishing Britain episode 002. To watch the whole show go to
Fishing the Somerset Levels flood 2014

Water, Water everywhere! Charlie chats to the owner and fishermen of the Summerhayes Fishery about what effect the floods has had on their lakes and stocks. This item first appeared in Fishing Britain episode 4. To watch the whole show go to For more information on Summerhayes Fishery visit Sign up for our weekly […]