Summer Roebuck Stalking with Paul Childerley

We’re a few weeks from the roe rut. As English summers go, 2014 is currently a corker, and what could be more English than this gorgeous corner of Gloucestershire? Deerstalker Paul Childerley grew up here. These days he runs a stalking operation in Bedfordshire that offers all Britain’s deer species. His father is still a […]
Hunting YouTube – guns, money and bullfrogs
Car Smash Deer – Fieldsports Channel News
‘Hallo Charlie!’ – hardworking pest controllers
Fieldsports Britain – Sorting Farm Pests

Crops are a magnet for pigeons at this time of year. George Digweed is out to hit them hard in Sussex. He has his best day of the year. Meanwhile, Paul Childerley is in Gloucestershire dealing with a bonanza population of roe deer. We’ve got News Stump, ‘Hallo Charlie!’, Hunting YouTube and… wait for it… […]
George Digweed’s big day on the pigeons

The farmer made a mistake. He started harvesting then stopped, which creates perfect landing areas for the pigeons. Now is the time to call in probably the best shot in the world, George Digweed, to stop the pigeons landing. The summer weather is perfect. George shows how to plan a campaign against pigeons over oilseed […]