Foxing in Style

Foxing in Style

Sporting Rifle foxshooting expert Tim Pilbeam likes to do things in style. He has what he reckons is the most comfortable foxshooting set-up in the country. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 248. To watch the whole show go to

Golf buggy foxing

Golf buggy foxing

Roy Lupton is out on a golf course, keeping down the pesky predators. They are messing up the greens, but it’s not easy catching them at it. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 248. To watch the whole show go to

Fieldsports Britain – Foxshooting Special

Fieldsports Britain – Foxshooting Special

It’s foxshooting night on Fieldsports Britain. Roy Lupton has a golf course to patrol. The foxes are messing up the greens and the only way to move them on is shooting. Meanwhile, Tim Pilbeam is lamping in style, from the comfort of his well appointed roof tent. Who says foxing needs to be uncomfortable? That’s […]


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