Fieldsports Britain – The 6ft fox
Roy calls a fox in to 6ft – ‘practically close enough to hug it’. He is using a Silva fox call from Australia. Meanwhile, Charlie’s out with a couple of foxshooters who have a dazzling array of calls but no foxes. They do have rabbits and a rimfire, all to the benefit of the championship […]
How to limber up before shooting
About to take part in a clay shooting competition. Here are a few simple exercises you can do to limber up, loosen your shooting muscles and help you focus on winning. This item appears in Fieldsports Britain episode 274. To watch the whole show go to
Cold calling foxes
Roy Lupton is out in cold weather calling and shooting foxes. He manages to get one to come within 6ft of him. This item appears in Fieldsports Britain episode 274. Watch the whole show on YouTube Sign up for our weekly email newsletter
On test: Browning T-Bolt
We’re out on a championship golf course in Oxfordshire with two lads charged with keeping down rabbits and foxes. Keen members of the Lamping Foxes Facebook group, they offer a wide range of tips for lampers including best lamps, best fox calls and , of course, they try out Browning’s rifles: a T-Bolt and an […]