Which is better? Bullets or Pellets?

What kind of rifle do you need? BSA competitive shooter Roger Lait pits airgun pellets vs bullets to see which is the most effective. This item appears in AirHeads, episode 46. To watch the whole show go to Fcha.nl/airheads46
AirHeads – Night Vision Airgun Test

Vermin hunt! Darren Rogers is with the inventors of NiteSite down on a pig farm with a big rat problem, Roger Lait goes beard diving to see if airgunners make the best shots. HotAir airgunning news tells you how to win tickets to the Air Arms factory, and Airstreaming has the best air rifle videos […]
Win a Tour of Air Arms – HotAir Airgun News

The headlines this week: ☆ Win a tour of Air Arms ☆ Grey squirrel cull gets lottery grant ☆ BSA remembers 1940 ☆ Big-bore airguns go legal ☆ New products from Spain and the USA ☆ World’s largest rat Aiming for accuracy – targeting the truth! This item appears in AirHeads, episode 46. To watch […]
Ratting on the Pig Farm

Darren Rogers goes down to the pig farm with the guys from night vision company NiteSite. The farm has got a rat problem. that’s what Nitesite is here to solve. This item appears in AirHeads, episode 46. To watch the whole show go to Fcha.nl/airheads46