Michaela’s Stag

Michaela Fialova is hunting stags in Hungary, some of the finest hunting country in the world. There are huge numbers of deer on the estate, but will she find the sika or the red stag she wants? This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 319. To watch the whole show go to Fcha.nl/fieldsportsbritain319
Teacher Assaults Kid for Hunting – Fieldsports Channel News

Here are the headlines: ☆ Hunt saboteur assaults child ☆ The Prodigy goes foxhunting ☆ Country singer dies in hunting tragedy ☆ Obama gun restrictions ☆ Aberdeenshire anglers flooded out ☆ Our eagle gets 10 million views on Facebook ☆ David to be extradited for eating ponies’ testicles ☆ Orkney Sabs want to stop the […]
Best British Driven Bird Shooting

Andy Crow faces some of the most challenging partridge and duck shooting he has ever seen – and the pheasants aren’t bad either. He is on a mixed driven shoot day in Bedfordshire. Andy went shooting thanks to Paul Childerley. Visit www.childerleysporting.co.uk This item appears in Fieldsports Britain episode 319. To watch the whole show […]
Fieldsports Britain – Crow Does Duck

Dramatic duckshooting as Crow goes on a mixed driven day in Bedfordshire. The partridge are faster than X-Wing fighters over an alien planet and the duck some of the finest Andy Crow has ever seen. Meanwhile, Michaela goes to Hungary for some of its legendary deer-stalking. She is after sika and red stags. Find out […]