AirHeads – Jamie goes nuts for squirrels
How to feed in squirrels and shoot them with an air rifle. That’s Jamie Chandler’s mission for the week, with the help and hindrance of farmer Tom. Meanwhile, our night vision specialist Darren Rogers is out after rabbits with a new thermal sight. Plus there is HotAir airgun news and Airstreaming rounding up the best […]
On Test: Optix Identifier 60 thermal sight
Our lord of the dark arts Darren Rogers tests thermal night vision on rabbits. The Optix Identifier 60 thermal sight sits atop his FX Impact. This item appears in AirHeads, episode 59. To watch the whole show go to
Feeding in Squirrels to Airguns
The squirrels are stealing Jamie Chandler’s nuts. There is only one thing for the Hampshire airgunner to do. It’s out with the airgun and at ’em. This item is supported by BSA. For more, go to This film was first shown in Airheads, episode 59 To watch the whole show go to