Tim Pilbeam is Seeking Sika

Tim Pilbeam is Seeking Sika

In the latest of our Rucksack & Rifle series, Tim Pilbeam is in Inverness-shire with Lachie Smith looking for a sika stag. It is autumn and the stags are spooky and hard to get to. Find out how he gets on. This film is sponsored by Harkila clothing and Sauer rifles For more about Harkila […]

Scottish pheasant shooting at the Aberarder estate

Scottish pheasant shooting at the Aberarder estate

We join a party of guns at the Aberarder shoot in Inverness-shire for a day’s driven pheasant and partridge. It is a beautifully-kept estate run by an enthusiastic team. The guns – all of them from Texas – have a wonderful day ahead of them. If you would like to go shooting at Aberarder, contact […]

Roebuck stalking in Inverness-shire

Roebuck stalking in Inverness-shire

Creeping up on roebuck in Scotland, were out with top deerstalker Lachie Smith. He looks after some ground near the Monadhliath Hills – scrubby, lumpy and perfect for roe. He shows us lowland deerstalking sport, even though were on the Highlands. This film first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 4.

Scouts go shooting

Scouts go shooting

10,000 scouts turned up at the Essex International Jamboree in the summer of 2016, and they queued up to go shooting. Scouting and shooting go together well. The Scout movement is all about providing kids with new experiences. Browning provided the guns and BASC ran the coaching. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain […]

Fallow and Fox Shooting Combo

Fallow and Fox Shooting Combo

Fallow bucks are in season and foxes are easy to shoot. Andy Crow hosts Dominic Holtam from Sporting Shooter and long-range shooting specialist Ulf Lindroth from THLR.No on the farm he manages in Kent. Crow is using a heavy barrelled Tikka T3 in .243 with Steiner Ranger optics, Stalon mod, and 70 grain Federal V […]

Roy Calls in the Bucks

Roy Calls in the Bucks

It’s a long hot afternoon after roebucks. Roy is calling them in, looking for the right cull animal to shoot. He discusses technique, both for calling and for stalking. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 351.  To watch the whole show go to Fcha.nl/fieldsportsbritain351 Roy’s using a Buttolo call to bring in […]

Fieldsports Britain – Foxes, Roebuck, Fallow, nothing is safe

Fieldsports Britain – Foxes, Roebuck, Fallow, nothing is safe

Foxshooting is easy, roebucks are rutting, the fallow buck season is open, and the Scouts Jamboree has gone nuts for shooting (in a good way). There is grouse in the News Stump and Hunting YouTube even touches on wild boar and wildfowling. It’s close to the whole quarry list on this week’s Fieldsports Britain, as […]


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