What to Wear out Shooting?

Gameshooting in the UK has a strong sense of fashion, believe it or not. Here is what to wear if you are asked pheasant or grouse shooting. Edward King explains what clothese to wear. It is the latest episode in our ‘Shoot Curious?’ series. This item is sponsored by: Gamebore cartridges www.gamebore.com AYA guns www.a-s-i.co.uk […]
Hunting Model

Crow is looking good as he shoots pheasants with Childerley Sporting in the English Home Counties. The reason? He is modelling the new range of shooting clothing from Jack Pyke. Look out for the catalogue soon. This item is sponsored by: UK Shoot Warehouse www.ukshootwarehouse.co.uk Jack Pyke www.jackpyke.co.uk Gamebore www.gamebore.com Beretta www.gmk.co.uk For more about […]
Fieldsports Britain – Pheasant shooting: Crow puts on a tie

Crow is modelling shooting clothing – and where better to do that than a shoot? He is out with Paul Childerley in Bedfordshire, trying not to out-shoot his neighbours. Meanwhile, Edward King is back (yes, we let him back) to talk about the right clothing to wear on shoots. And Tim Pilbeam is explaining straight-pull […]
Straight-Pull Rifle Test

Top rifle review Tim Pilbeam has a Merkel Helix, a Blaser R8 and a Browning Maral to play with as he runs through the pros and cons of straight-pull rifles generally and these models in particular. Browning recently relaunched its hunting blog here bit.ly/browningblog For Blaser, go to www.blaser-sporting.com For Merkel, visit www.merkel-die-jagd.de This film […]