Find out more about Roger

What a mixture! Roger presents items on our airgun show AirHeads about BSA guns – and lots of other stuff too.
On test: Sako Quad

In the latest ‘Federal on the farm’, Andy Crow takes his Sako Quad and two different cartridges out into the field to see what works best no rabbits in which part of the farm. Crow’s Sako Quad rifle set-up comes from This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 371. To watch the […]
Foxshooting in a Football Stadium

Roger Lait is off to an undisclosed fotball stadium to shoot foxes. Happily he has the latest Pulsar kit from Thomas Jacks. Find out how he gets on. Roger uses a Pulsar Apex XD75 on the smaller rifle and he films with a Pulsar Quantum XQ50 recording onto the Yukon MPR. for more, go to […]
Fieldsports Britain – Fox Between the Goalposts

Roger Lait is off to one of the UK’s top football clubs to shoot the foxes. We all know foxes like football. And we all know football clubs employ foxshooters. This is the first time anyone has been allowed behind the scenes at a premiership ground to see how they control foxes. Meanwhile, out in […]
Find out more about Dom

Sporting Shooter and its sister titles Rifle Shooter and Clay Shooter are all under the editorial control of the extraordinary Dom Holtam.