Claysports Round-Up – clayshooting news

Claysports Round-Up – clayshooting news

In Round-Up: CPSA Clay Shooter of the Year: FITASC 2017 major championships: Sunseeker Boodles Cup will be held on 8th February at Royal Berkshire Shooting School: The British Shooting Show: This item appears in Claysports, episode 15. To watch the whole show on YouTube, go to

High birds and the Browning 725 ProTrap

High birds and the Browning 725 ProTrap

  Champion shot Josh Bridges is at Coniston Shooting Ground to give his tips on shooting targets from the high tower, plus why he likes the Browning 725 Pro Trap. For more about the Browning, go to This item appears in Claysports, episode 15. To watch the whole show on YouTube, go to […]

Claysports – Shooting Clays at Night

Claysports – Shooting Clays at Night

Andy Crow is shooting clays under floodlights at Dartford Clay Shooting Club. How does this work? Find out at a Saturday night shoot. Meanwhile, top shot Josh Bridges discusses high birds and Brownings. Here are the links to the items:  Dartford Clays Visit  Josh Bridges For more about the Browning, go to  Round-Up […]

Advertising’s best shot

Advertising’s best shot

It’s the world of shooting’s current favourite commercial. This film is an advert made by German health food manufacturer Doppel Herz showing off a product made to support healthy eyes. The scene filmed in a shooting range shows some remarkable results.

PETA’s fur fury over Warhammer

PETA’s fur fury over Warhammer

The global figure phenomenon Warhammer gained a little more interest that it planned with its latest release. The futuristic wargame played with figurines, has warriors and characters wearing faux fur and this has annoyed PETA. The animal rights group released a statement condemning the fake costumes and even asked the Warhammer CEO to ban the […]


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