Feral cat cull leads to death threats

Feral cat cull leads to death threats

An image of a dead feral cat in a trap has led to death threats for one pest controller. Sam Wood from Wisconsin, USA, says that since putting the photo on social media, he has become the target of cyberbullying and death threats. The stock photo he posted, which showed a cat caught in a […]

Orkney stoat project: £500,000 spent, two caught

Orkney stoat project: £500,000 spent, two caught

The Orkney stoat eradication project has reported its results: two stoats caught. It reveals the Scottish Natural Heritage programme to be among the most dismal wastes of taxpayers’ money the Scottish government has yet attempted on wildlife. Some 52 volunteers were trained and issued with Magnum bodygrip traps with wooden or metal mesh tunnels. No […]

Wildlife Trusts (reluctantly) call for grey squirrels to be shot

Wildlife Trusts (reluctantly) call for grey squirrels to be shot

As our video shows, if you want red squirrels in the UK, you have to get rid of greys. The grey squirrel, imported from the US in the 19th century, carries the parapox virus which is deadly for reds. As a result, it has devastated the native British red squirrel. Now the wildlife trusts across […]


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