Sussex Slam: Roebuck, Fallow Buck and Muntjac

Sussex Slam: Roebuck, Fallow Buck and Muntjac

Larysa Switlyk of US TV show Larysa Unleashed is after three species of deer in the south of England: a roebuck, a fallow buck and a muntjac makes a ‘Sussex Slam’. Stalker is Darren Phizacklea of Viscount Sporting. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 385. To watch the whole show go to […]

On Test: Aimpoint Micro S1 sight for shotguns

On Test: Aimpoint Micro S1 sight for shotguns

The people who make the famous red dot sight for wild boar have a new product comnig out. Aimpoint is developing a new sight for shotguns. We go to Mamima Jakt in Sweden to test it out. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 385.  To watch the whole show go to

Fieldsports Britain – Too Good to Miss

Fieldsports Britain – Too Good to Miss

Aimpoint has developed a new sight for a shotgun. Does it make you too good to miss? We are off to a clayground ‘laboratory’ in Sweden to find out. Plus Larysa Switlyk is back and she is stalking the ‘Sussex Slam’: roebuck, fallow buck and muntjac, with the help of Darren Phizacklea of Viscount Sporting. […]


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