British Deer Society AGM 2018

British Deer Society AGM 2018

The British Deer Society AGM covered the big issues facing wild deer in the UK, including chronic wasting disease, ticks, hybrids, government policy and the nation’s love for our largest wild animals. Scottish Trustee Director and Area Chair John Bruce ran the two-day conference, which started at the Budongo Lecture Theatre at Edinburgh Zoo. Day two […]

How to shoot quartering birds – Smokin’ Targets with Ben Husthwaite

How to shoot quartering birds – Smokin’ Targets with Ben Husthwaite

In the latest of his clay pigeon shooting masterclass series, champion shot Ben Husthwaite talks a shooter, Dave, through the process of shooting quartering clay targets. Shoot them where you are comfortable, says Ben. This item is sponsored by Gamebore For more from the clayground, visit Ben’s website is For all of Ben’s films […]

Fallow for the pot – Hunt & Cook

Fallow for the pot – Hunt & Cook

Cai has to set up an ambush if he is to shoot a fallow buck for the pot. He knows where they are – but they seem to know where’s safe. Find out how he gets on. For Cai’s fallow steak recipe video, visit ▶ This item is sponsored by Sauer Rifles and Blaser Active […]

Ben Husthwaite on what’s wrong with clayshooting

Ben Husthwaite on what’s wrong with clayshooting

Ben Husthwaite speaks out: how come anyone can be a shooting instructor? what can the CPSA do better? what’s the point of pattern plates? (don’t expect modesty!). This item is sponsored by Gamebore For more from the clayground, visit Ben’s website is For all of Ben’s films on Fieldsports Channel, click here This item […]

Fieldsports Britain – Deer Ambush

Fieldsports Britain – Deer Ambush

We’re out after a fallow buck for the pot with Cai Ap Bryn in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain. The game chef plans a steak supper – plus he gives his recipe on how to cook the perfect venison steak. We are also talking to the bad boy of British shooting, Ben Husthwaite, about how to shoot […]

Who is the best shot with a Beretta?

Who is the best shot with a Beretta?

There is only one way to find out. We are off to the West Midlands Shooting Ground for the 2015 Beretta World clay shooting event. Find out what happens here… This item first appeared in Claysports, episode 3. To watch the whole show go to  Join the Fieldsports Nation. Just £/$/€4.99 a month gets […]

Cub scouts learn about keepering

Cub scouts from the Hawes Cubs pack learned about grousekeepering on a visit to the Bolton Castle estate. The cubs visited the shoot in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. Keepers show the 14 boys aged between eight and ten and their leaders different aspects of moorland management. In a post on Instagram, the estate reports: […]

Rare white roebuck pops up on Czech hunting ground

Rare white roebuck pops up on Czech hunting ground

A rare white roebuck is living quietly in the Czech Republic. The albino buck is on the hunting ground of Fieldsports Channel viewer Folkert van Hoogevest. He runs hunting agency ArtemisBohemia – but he says he will not allow this animal to be shot. “Although we already got offers from hunters around EU, having seen the film […]


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