Public bodies admit sea eagles in Scotland are killing healthy sheep

Sea eagles reintroduced to Scotland are preying on healthy lambs, it has been formally acknowledged for the first time. Crofters have long believed that the birds of prey will kill and eat very young sheep, but public bodies behind the reintroduction of sea eagles have finally admitted that it is the case. The white-tailed eagle […]

Bowland hen harrier chicks give ‘hope for future’

The hatching of hen harrier chicks at nests on a private estate for the second year running “gives hope for the future”, the RSPB has said. However, they fail to acknowledge the driven grouse shoots and gamekeepers who’ve been hosting them. The charity said it found the hatchlings in four nests on the Bowland Estate […]

Fieldsports Britain – Wild boar meat feast

Fieldsports Britain – Wild boar meat feast

This week, Cai and Tomo Svetic are hunting game for a long over due dinner date. The game chef jumps on an aeroplane from his native Kent and heads for the Balkans, where the wild boar and roe grow fat in the Mediterranean sunshine. Watch him hunt them and cook them in the new episode […]

Wild boar and roebuck in Croatia – Hunt & Cook

Wild boar and roebuck in Croatia – Hunt & Cook

  There’s nothing Cai likes better than a cooking up a game meat feast. That’s why he’s off to Croatia to hunt some of the best wild meat on the planet and cooking up using some Croatian flavours . It’s the new episode of Hunt & Cook. ▶ This item is sponsored by Blaser. Visit […]


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