Frantic foxing with Doug Pocklington It’s a frenzied night of foxshooting for Doug Pocklington in Lincolnshire as the animals appear from everywhere. He has to be ready to turn on a sixpence. In the end, he accounts for eleven. Find Doug on Facebook Join the Fieldsports Nation More from Doug:
#ShotShow 2022 Charlie goes to ShotShow 2022 in Las Vegas to find empty stands and missing gun trade companies – the show is a victim of covid – but there are lots of signs of recovery, and the show maintains its reputation for innovation. Here are the people Charlie sees: Brett Snyder, Dark Storm Industries, talks through […]
Beef farm crow shoot Crows, rooks and jackdaws are piling in to cattle feed on a farm in Sussex. A farmyard is a tricky site for a full-on shotgun decoying day. Tristan Surgey knows how to do it, and ends up with a full bag before the birds work out what’s going on. Find Tris on Instagram […]
Fieldsports Britain – clever corvid tactics We are knocking back the farm pests in this week’s Fieldsports Britain. Tristan Surgey is shooting corvids in a farmyard in Sussex, and has some top tips on how to do that effectively. In Lincolnshire, Doug Pocklington has a big night on the foxes, with eleven in the bag. David brings you the news […]
George Monbiot backs trophy hunting – Fieldsports News, episode 634 Here are the links: Animal rights extremist switches sides over trophy hunting – Twitter Police fail UK shooters over gun certificates – Fieldsports News Pheasant prices set to rise – Deer meets sad end in wire tangle – Instagram Dave Carrie launches young shots programme – YouTube + email or call 07831 303380 […]