How to get shooting permission

Shooting Girl with an Afro, Nicole Moore, has a knack for getting shooting permission. She has hundreds of acres to shoot and stalk over near her home in Norfolk. It’s not just luck – she has a plan, and she works hard at it, using her people skills learned at work over many years. She […]
Shooting Girl with an Afro – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 79 Pigeon shooter, game shot and deerstalker Nicole Moore comes to the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre 2023 to talk to Charlie Jacoby about her love of the countryside and shooting sports. She talks about what she gets judged for. Do you think it’s being black, being a woman or how she shoots? Find out […]
Firearms licensing: the police view – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 78

Three firearms licensing officers came to the stage of the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre in July 2023 to make the case to Charlie Jacoby for how well they are doing. You may agree or you may disagree with them. They are Chris Downs from the Metropolitan Police, Adrian Davis from Warwickshire Constabulary and Paul […]
British Open Sporting Championships 2023

Browning shooter Sam Green tops off a dazzling season by winning the British Open Sporting Championship with superb shooting at Garlands, where Steve Lovatt has set a typically tricky course that includes a new trap that flings clays at 100mph. While we’re there, we talk to Eley’s Tony Bromwich about the best cartridges to use […]
Best value thermal deals for airgun and rifle shooting

Thermal gear has come a long way, and prices have dropped to the point where it’s a realistic choice for many airgunners and fox shooters. So what do you get for your money, and which is the best deal for you? Ian Hodge of Ian Hodge Fieldsports runs through the options, and picks out some […]
RSPB hypocrisy row – Fieldsports News, 6 September 2023

Here are the links: RSPB accused of hypocrisy – Countryside Alliance Scotland must protect its rural economy – BASC Europe rethinks protection of wolves – The Guardian Meet the new shadow DEFRA secretary – LabourList South Africa hunters’ vital role in conservation – SA Conservation Imperative on YouTube Trail cam company does support pest control […]