Jamie Chandler

Sneaky rabbit hunt

Jamie Chandler has time for a crafty rabbit shoot without his wife finding out – and if he is quick. Ironically, he is on an

Airgun Multi Pest

Jamie Chandler is out after a Hampshire triple – a squirrel, a dove and a rabbit – with his BSA Ultra XL This item is

On Test: BSA Ultra XL

Jamie Chandler puts the new BSA Ultra XL through its paces by attempting a Hampshire triple: a squirrel, a pigeon and a rabbit. This item

Feeding in Squirrels to Airguns

Feeding in Squirrels to Airguns

The squirrels are stealing Jamie Chandler’s nuts. There is only one thing for the Hampshire airgunner to do. It’s out with the airgun and at

Airgunning Cornish Pigeons

Jamie Chandler is on holiday in Cornwall and decides to give up on the beach in favour of shooting. Pigeons are bothering a local farm,

Shooting Rabbits over Wheat

The airgunner with no hands Jamie Chandler was going to go shopping. But, on the way, he sees rabbits hitting the wheat fields. Out with

Motormouth Shooters

That Jamie Chandler – you can’t shut him up. Well, you can now. He meets shooter Paul Sadler. Having no hands doesn’t stop Jamie from

How to stalk through deer

Airgunner Jamie Chandler has to shoot the rabbits devaststing a wheat crop. To reach them, he has to carefully stalk past a herd of roe

Jamie Rabbit Hunt

The shooter with no hands is hunting rabbits with his BSA R10 on a farm in Hampshire. The farmer is deserate to save the grazing

Clay Ground Pest Control

Jamie Chandler, the shooter with no hands, is protecting ex England shooter and now international clay coach Des Sturgess’s Acorn Shooting School in Hampshire. The

Good Shot Bad Retrieve

It is not easy shooting when you have no hands. It is doubly hard retrieving in thick cover. See how Jamie Chandler gets on with


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