Ballistics tips with Keith Poyser, part seven
Stalking saucepans and paint pots at long ranges: part seven of the series by Keith Poyser of Bangs Bucks & Bullseyes on accurate field rifle
Stalking saucepans and paint pots at long ranges: part seven of the series by Keith Poyser of Bangs Bucks & Bullseyes on accurate field rifle
Being and all-round shooter means learning to shoot from many different positions. When you need to shoot quickly, you must be accurate and you must
A beginner gets to shoot: part six of the series by Keith Poyser of Bangs Bucks & Bullseyes on accurate field rifle shooting. Ideal viewing
Breathing, trigger control and follow-through: part one of the series by Keith Poyser of Bangs Bucks & Bullseyes on accurate field rifle shooting. Ideal viewing
Shooting using natural rests: part five of the series by Keith Poyser of Bangs Bucks & Bullseyes on accurate field rifle shooting. Ideal viewing for
How to shoot sitting: part four of the series by Keith Poyser of Bangs Bucks & Bullseyes on accurate field rifle shooting. Ideal viewing for
How to shoot kneeling: part three of the series by Keith Poyser of Bangs Bucks & Bullseyes on accurate field rifle shooting. Ideal viewing for
Shooting positions: part two of the series by Keith Poyser of Bangs Bucks & Bullseyes on accurate field rifle shooting. Ideal viewing for deer hunters/stalkers.
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