Jaf Jefferson

Grey squirrel tree killers

After a successful squirrel eradication programme in the winter, disaster strikes in the summer. A dozen good-quality oak trees are dead and all the indications

Somerset foxshooting night

With pheasants out in shoots and eager young foxes looking for an easy meal, Jaf and Paul Jefferson from the South Somerset Ferreters step up

Catching rabbits at a turf farm

The lovely turf at Wembley and Wimbledon comes from turf farms, and turf farms are magnets for rabbits. The South Somerset Ferreters answer the call

Ferreting an old people’s home

  The South Somerset Ferreters – that fun-loving group of ferret owners from Ilminster – have found a new spot. It’s an old people’s home

Ferreting a 300-yard hedge

It sounds easy: a straight 300-yeard hedge full of rabbit, and the ferreters are armed with nets, dogs and, yes, ferrets. Well, it requires planning

Ferreting a Graveyard

Ilminster Graveyard in Somerset has a rabbit problem and Ilminster Town Council needs to solve it. Who you gonna call? The South Somerset Ferreters step

Tricky Ferreting Day

The South Somerset ferreters face a number of challenges on a day’s ferreting, including dogs and depth. Find out how they cope – and just

Pigeons over Rape Stubble

Jaf Jefferson is out on rape stubble that’s about to be redrilled. The farmer wants the pigeon numbers knocked back and Jaf’s the man for

Fast action ferreting

The South Somerset Ferreters are back in action, with loads of dogs – but do they have enough ferrets for a monster of a rabbit


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