The story of zinc bullets Who makes zinc bullets? What are they used for and how long have they been around? Firearms expert Andrew Venables answers these questions and Who makes zinc bullets? What are they used for and how long have they been around? Firearms expert Andrew Venables answers these questions and
Andrew Venables has cooked up what he reckons is the perfect copper varminting cartridge, using the Barnes Varmint Grenade. He looks at how the
Paul Childerley is after squirrels. They are chewing up the water pipes in his pheasant pens, and this is the time of year they greys
It’s the end of a long pheasant day and how does Paul Childerley relax? He invites a friendly local keeper over to go duck flighting.
Out shooting driven partridges and pheasants? Gamekeeper Paul Childerley explains the importance of presenting birds, and why you should take care of birds on the
Paul Childerley shows what it takes to be a modern gamekeeper. He is working on his shoot in Bedfordshire, bringing on young birds and getting
It is early September and gamekeeper Paul Childerley will be shooting in a few weeks time. He takes delivery of a second tranche of partridges
It’s started. Gamekeeper Paul Childerley has taken delivery of his pheasants on the shoot in Bedfordshire. Now he has to be Pheasant Supernanny and keep
Here’s what to feed your pheasants. We go behind the scenes at Mardens Feeds to find out what goes into their sacks of game bird
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