Value of Shooting – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 111
BASC chief executive Ian Bell explains the new Value of Shooting report , which shows how vital the sport is to rural economies. He is
BASC chief executive Ian Bell explains the new Value of Shooting report , which shows how vital the sport is to rural economies. He is
youtu.be/ODwzA3B4jlQ Here are the links: Certificate fee rise ‘unjustified’ say MPs – BASC Ireland faces mass deer cull – DonegalDaily.com and FRSFarmReliefServices.ie Taxpayers fund wild cat
What does a world champion clay shot like to do in January? We are shooting pheasants and partridges with the new Browning 825 on Sam
African government officials are lining up to criticise the UK government for its plan to ban trophy imports. They say that the move is colonial,
youtu.be/cL4xO6OLIWE They shot 5,000 rabbits in one day in Shropshire and 7,000 in one day at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. The rabbit has had a
Here are the links: Poachers captured on police drone – YouTube and BBC 10% of farmland in England to be planted with trees – Defra.gov.uk
www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWvi7LMcYhA Terry Doe is shooting squirrels with the futuristic new Skout Evo, an airgun so advanced it even talks to you. Our working dog breed
Louisa Clutterbuck from the game meat marketing agency Eat Wild explains her role, and how it fits in with other agencies such as Game To
Here are the links: Fens mass poaching meet – BBC News Gun certificate fee protest – BASC New Mauser rifle – Mauser.com Predator control promo
Roy Lupton is trying to call a muntjac but finds it frustratingly hard to hit the right notes. British pheasant shooting is booming say sporting
www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpe3B_HT3NM Greg Smith MP says how to deal with the Labour government. Of course, he was talking to Charlie at the Carter Jonas Game Fair
Fore! GWCT chairman and former agriculture minister Sir Jim Paice is shooting driven pheasants on a golf course. Plus the cold snap doesn’t put off
Here are the links: Certificate fee shock – Gov.uk and Search.app/frwi Poachers crash into ditch – Facebook Government supports grouse shooting – BASC Rewilding raises
The government’s decision to increase firearms licensing fees by more than double poses a threat to rural livelihoods and fails to deal with gross inefficiencies
Here are the links: Antis lobby for lead ban – YouTube and TheGuardian.com Rogue lynx rewilders split conservation industry – Instagram Invictus Games laser guns don’t
Les Brooks stalks deer, shoots pigeons and runs game shoots in Buckinghamshire. His cockney heritage makes him – and he is the first to admit
Roy Lupton is after a fallow doe on a lovely frosty Sussex morning, but he must work around dogwalkers, footpaths and a lack of backstops.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma625zPoa-M Simon Whitehead has been a ‘celebrity ferreter’ all of his working life. He talks about the job to Charlie Jacoby in the Carter Jonas
www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl9jAkknpSE Ian Grindy from the Gamekeepers Welfare Trust tells the story of the charity and explains why it is needed more than ever. He talks
www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqzyo5Pnxsk Here are the links: Shooting sports new year’s honours – Northern Echo + YouTube/airability + Dom’s Food Mission on Instagram NZ honours deer manager
youtu.be/iwAOD5dS674 In a new series we look at how gundogs’ special skills help people outside the world of shooting. This episode: the labrador. Plus, we
www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qxMOet2yss It’s a Browning takeover this week, as we travel to France for a breathtaking driven grey partridge shoot to try out the new 825
Here are the links: Boxing Day meet success – LedburyReporter.co.uk Care home welcomes Quorn – Facebook.com RSPB accused of failing to check stoat traps –
youtu.be/ecWVU2MFQ1M Dick and Angel Strawbridge from the Escape To The Chateau TV series head to the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre 2024 to talk about
Ollie Williams is thwarted by thick fog when he goes to shoot top notch driven pheasants at Three Valleys in Wales. Students take off their
For shooting sports in the UK, it has been the best of times, it has been the worst of times. Team GB won gold and
Here are the links: £400 certificate confirmed – FieldsportsChannel.tv/guntax2025/ Wildlife Trust buys Cumbrian fell – NewsAndStar.co.uk Channel 4 attacks hunt – YouTube and Facebook Find your
youtu.be/osQx0AQ57Vo The star of River Monsters, Jeremy Wade, joins Charlie in the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre 2024. This podcast is an amalgamation of two interviews
Here are the links: Gun certificates may cost £400 – Telegraph.co.uk Lead ban details revealed – BASC.org.uk Deerstalker in gun-grab limbo – FieldsportsChannel.tv/stumiles Ardgay Game
Douglas Cockcroft went from hunting guide to founder of South Africa’s most impressive taxidermy business, Splitting Image Taxidermy, based in Port Elizabeth and operating all
The Westminster government wants to ban hunting trophy imports – but technology has overtaken MPs. Charlie visits Splitting Image Taxidermy in South Africa to look
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kohn2hsRvQo Beaters, who needs ’em? Here’s how the continentals put on a driven bird day. Plus, trophy bans are pointless now that modern tech means
youtu.be/9KtwTRMmxZA Dorset Police seized a deer manager’s firearms and is now declining to let him have them back. Stu Miles’s girlfriend dumped him, may have
www.dailymotion.com/video/x9azqs6 ‘Rural communities face steep ‘gun tax’ rise to boost police budgets’: That’s the headline in the Daily Telegraph, prompting fears among gun owners that
youtu.be/1gSl6iHEEyM Deerstalker and wildlife manager Niall Rowantree talks to deer biologist Professor Rory Putman about the remarkable sika deer, as part of our filming of
Here are the links: Farmers protest at Downing Street – YouTube Conservation group won’t rule out deerstalking – BBC.co.uk Squirrel numbers on the up –
Niall Rowantree delves deeper into the mysteries of the non-native sika deer in part 2 of our series A Year in the Life of Sika,
Here are the links: Gloucestershire police climbdown – Facebook.com and Gloucestershire.Police.uk Pest controller gets his guns back – Fieldsportschannel.tv/lewisdedmanupdate Anti-poaching concrete blocks – Wiltshire.Police.uk and
youtu.be/7a-YD0HXNCo Podcast this week is from the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre, back in July 2024. It’s an interview with David Lyons, an angler who
Terry Doe is called in to deal with squirrels that are threatening to start a fire in the attic. George Lawrence leads a team of
Here are the links: Packham’s latest grouse shooting petition – Countryside-Alliance.org Black grouse relocation project – GWCT.org.uk Snares banned in Scotland – GWCT.org.uk LACS changes
Cai Ap Bryn needs venison for the freezer, and there are fallow that need to be culled. It’s a win-win, so long as he can
www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9aQm39Du4k Gwent police double down on two shooters, threatening to destroy the guns they grabbed for dubious reasons in the first place. We’re out hunting
www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4KIUqw2hTI Here are the links: London farmers’ protest – Youtube Grants to farmers suspended – CAAV.org.uk RSPB cuts to nature reserves – RomfordRecorder.co.uk New gun
Gareth Davies had a horrific shooting accident while out foxing in January 2024. His shooting buddy Mark Wise saved his life. After we put out
www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPIiqCLnbNo Cai Ap Bryn is flighting greylags at dawn, and has a mouth-watering recipe for Canada goose jerky. Apparently it tastes as good as beef.
Here are the links: Poachers attack farmer – Wiltshire.Police.uk Gloucester police suspend firearms licensing – BASC.org.uk SCI celebrates US election triumph – SafariClub.org NZ sika
Here are the links: Keeper attack latest– NationalGamekeepers.org.uk Water march success – RiverActionUK.com Inheritance tax advice for shooting estates – CarterJonas.co.uk NGO highlights importance of
Andrew Hoodless of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust is a woodcock specialist. He explains the difference between migratory birds, resident breeding birds, and why
www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxEdq7vJVnc When a buffalo charges you have seconds to make the perfect shot, or you’re dead. We join the professional hunters of tomorrow learning life-or-death
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