Value of Shooting – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 111
BASC chief executive Ian Bell explains the new Value of Shooting report , which shows how vital the sport is to rural economies. He is
BASC chief executive Ian Bell explains the new Value of Shooting report , which shows how vital the sport is to rural economies. He is
youtu.be/cL4xO6OLIWE They shot 5,000 rabbits in one day in Shropshire and 7,000 in one day at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. The rabbit has had a
Louisa Clutterbuck from the game meat marketing agency Eat Wild explains her role, and how it fits in with other agencies such as Game To
www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpe3B_HT3NM Greg Smith MP says how to deal with the Labour government. Of course, he was talking to Charlie at the Carter Jonas Game Fair
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma625zPoa-M Simon Whitehead has been a ‘celebrity ferreter’ all of his working life. He talks about the job to Charlie Jacoby in the Carter Jonas
www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl9jAkknpSE Ian Grindy from the Gamekeepers Welfare Trust tells the story of the charity and explains why it is needed more than ever. He talks
youtu.be/ecWVU2MFQ1M Dick and Angel Strawbridge from the Escape To The Chateau TV series head to the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre 2024 to talk about
youtu.be/osQx0AQ57Vo The star of River Monsters, Jeremy Wade, joins Charlie in the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre 2024. This podcast is an amalgamation of two interviews
Douglas Cockcroft went from hunting guide to founder of South Africa’s most impressive taxidermy business, Splitting Image Taxidermy, based in Port Elizabeth and operating all
youtu.be/1gSl6iHEEyM Deerstalker and wildlife manager Niall Rowantree talks to deer biologist Professor Rory Putman about the remarkable sika deer, as part of our filming of
youtu.be/7a-YD0HXNCo Podcast this week is from the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre, back in July 2024. It’s an interview with David Lyons, an angler who
Andrew Hoodless of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust is a woodcock specialist. He explains the difference between migratory birds, resident breeding birds, and why
This is the story about Kasungu National Park, as told by Mike Labuschagne, who has been working there as a ranger for more than 30 years. He used to have funding from the US-based animal rights organisation IFAW, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, to help the elephants of Kasungu in Malawi. Now he believes that IFAW should be charged with the murder of local people for wilfully releasing 263 elephants into the area, which can’t support them. “It was completely unprepared to receive them,” he says.
The Flyfishers’ Club has been men-only since its foundation in 1884. A chance remark by Marina Gibson at the Hay Festival sparked a media storm
www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyDEQLlV268 What has the Westminster government got in store for gamebirds and shooting? The news from the GWCT is good – but their top staff
youtu.be/jJ-iZ3zqM6o Speaking to Charlie Jacoby at the Carter Jonas Game fair Theatre, Digby Taylor from GunsOnPegs.com announces his new research. It’s the most accurate predictor
www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4wLW8p_niA When the police took the guns from Chris Sharp after Chris was the victim of an assault, he turned to lawyers for help. One
youtu.be/-AFtyCeJvA0 Shadow DEFRA minister Steve Barclay says Daniel Zeichner should ‘get off the fence’ and announce Labour’s plans for the countryside. Plus he warns that
www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z2ZVslPc4IEd Swales and Ronan Brown from Hunting Kind join Charlie Jacoby in the Carter Jonas theatre at the Game Fair 2024, to explain how hunting
With a new government in power in Westminster, three people with a stake in the future of fieldsports and the countryside come together to talk
Election ’24 with Neil Parish FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 91 youtu.be/aPAySfyRhV4 Former MP Neil Parish looks at the likely outcomes from the 2024 UK general election,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LCP1DVIcE It’s the job that many of us put off, sometimes for weeks, a few for months, a handful for several seasons. John Spary and
youtu.be/Y0EzFlbIMBc UK prime minister Tony Blair said that his 2004 Hunting Act would benefit foxes. Twenty years later, it turns out he was wrong. In
Gareth Wyn Jones says join the revolution – the food and farming revolution. He is talking to Charlie Jacoby in the Carter Jonas Game Fair
Nick Doherty and Laura Saunsbury are the authors of the definitive book on British gun laws. The Firearms Law Handbook provides useful info for shooters,
Charlie Jacoby is back in the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre talking to Ian Coghill, who demolishes the RSPB’s People’s Plan for Nature, he explains
youtu.be/uTrOvmL3vyA Jeremy Wade from TV’s River Monsters makes two visits to the 2023 Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre. He talks to Charlie about his early
www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J_u_U8ybaY Tristan Breijer from the European hunting lobbying group FACE sets out the problems facing antis from Europe who want to ban hunting in African
Ross Brawn, managing director of one of today’s biggest spectator sports, Formula One, and a keen shooter, chatted with Charlie Jacoby in the Game Fair
Simon Whitehead is a ferreter not a rockstar – but he is a ferreter with a public. He has suffered from the pressure. His new
Baby rhino update, from Rockwood – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 81 www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJN2EQytQLs In 2022, rangers at Rockwood Conservation in South Africa brought in a frightened, sick
The enthusiasm of British politicians for massacring British deer is starting to worry deer managers. Five guests on the stage of the Carter Jonas Game
youtu.be/hqSEUM4D4gw Pigeon shooter, game shot and deerstalker Nicole Moore comes to the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre 2023 to talk to Charlie Jacoby about her
Three firearms licensing officers came to the stage of the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre in July 2023 to make the case to Charlie Jacoby
DEFRA’s crisis over general licences is helping to kill the rural vote for the Tories. Charlie Jacoby had two chats with BASC staff Gareth Dockerty,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJv6KTS4Bxk James Wallace of River Action talks to Charlie in the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre about his pressure group’s work cleaning up British rivers.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=t30FXnWxGn8 It’s Shooting Times editor Patrick Galbraith versus sporting agent Mark Osborne in this one-hour debate at the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre 2023. The
www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEPtKuTD0V8 Greg Smith MP is horrified at the way DEFRA has handled crises such as rescinding GL43. He is at the 2023 Game Fair and
www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv4pSqf-iCw Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP is our unofficial minister for shooting. At the 2023 Game Fair, he tells Charlie Jacoby how DEFRA is getting it
www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fhm7CCAh3Y Daniel Zeichner MP is shadow environment minister. He came to the Game Fair in 2021, 2022 and in 2023 he took to the stage
youtu.be/NbW3UMIHwGU With children dying every week from an epidemic of human-wildlife conflict, the government of India knows it has to tackle the problem. It has
youtu.be/5TvPZ2vx3Ss Charlie chats to artist and not-very-vegan Katie Hargreaves, who is squaring her green beliefs with her keenness to go hunting and source her own
It’s Ian Coghill, ex chairman of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, vs Duncan Orr-Ewing of the RSPB, slugging it out on the Carter Jonas
www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRr0vpam8LI Gareth Wyn Jones is the outspoken Welsh hill farmer who starred in the BBC’s The Family Farm. He believes that the disconnection between town
youtu.be/X93ipWbnihU UK shooting and countryside groups are joining forces to commission new research into the economic, environmental and social value of shooting. BASC, Countryside Alliance,
youtu.be/jeHHVbF7C94 In September 2004, eight campaigners burst in to the chamber of the House of Commons to protest against Tony Blair’s ban on hunting with
youtu.be/0jq9OhE9AUM The antis brought in bills to restrict hunting in England, Wales and Scotland – but none of them work. So they want to bring
www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_nDMXdrYxo A panel of experts discuss grouse prospects for the 2022 season, plus the political threats facing grouseshooting. They are Mark Osborne from William Powell
www.youtube.com/watch?v=24FfmiiHgi4 Chris Horne from GunsOnPegs presents the findings of the GunsOnPegs Game Shooting Census 2022/23. It’s going to be a tough year for gameshooting in
www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfCT4_dvQQ4 There are 30,000 legal gun-owners in London. Chris Downs, head of SCO 19 at the Met, and Daryn Hufton-Rees from Medcert, which provides medical
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