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On a block of forestry in the eastern Highlands, Niall Rowantree explains the changes that are underway for deer across Scotland. He shows deer damage and says how he plans to adopt the new rules on deer management and stalking. It’s a grim time for deer and other animals in Scotland. In its zeal to do the bidding of the conservation industry, the Scottish government is on its way to ordering a New-Zealand-style mass poisoning of the country’s wildlife, warns Niall.

In a happier place, two gamekeepers – Geoff Garrod and Paul Childerley – battle it out for top shot in their squad at the British Open .410 Championship 2023. Our news feature looks at the DEFRA disaster that is the Sunak government’s handling of gamebird release and the GL43 general licence. We are giving away a pair of Muck Boots Calder boots priced at £135, David brings you the news  on the news stump, and James Marchington offers his selection of  the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. Keep it #FieldsportsBritain



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