Fieldsports Britain – thermal deerhunter

As thermal spotters become the must-have tool for anyone managing wildlife, Roy Lupton takes the new Leica Calonox View out after fallow. He is stalking in Sussex as the guest of Paul Smith of Wealden Game. Down in Devon, Tom Davies is also using a thermal/night vision combination for a big night on the rabbits. Plus he has a tip for carrying a large number of rabbits off the hill. And news editor Ben O’Rourke joins ornithologist and former gamekeeper John Cavana on a visit to a grousemoor owned by the RSPB. The bird charity is quick to criticise other grousemoor owners for their wildlife management – what is it doing right and wrong at Geltsdale in Cumbria? We have tracked down a deal for you on Blaser shooting sticks, David is on the News Stump and Charlie has the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s another packed #FieldsportsBritain

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Hunting YouTube


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