It’s the science behind hunting and shooting this week, as we look at stress in deer plus we have a barney over whether lead shot is actually bad for you. Tim Pilbeam and his mate Tristan are out stalking, because Tristan is measuring stress levels in hunted deer. He explains his research. Meanwhile, Mark Crudgington battles it out with Andrew Venables over whether or not lead is bad for you. Shops are complaining that it’s been hard to get guns from Europe since Brexit. We talk to two gun distributors and an import/export business about the new border controls. And we’re off to Wellington Barracks to meet a military tailor who has a nice line in bespoke shooting clothing. David presents the news on the News Stump and Charlie puts out the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s all in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain
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