Fieldsports Britain – lamb protection squad

Tom Davies goes out foxshooting with Charlie Jacoby. The lambs on Dartmoor are big enough to fend for themselves, but stupid enough to get caught up – and then a hungry fox can strike. Meanwhile, gamekeeper Paul Childerley wants to improve his shooting, so enlists the help of top shot Ed Solomons and heads to a clayground. We try out a new gundog training idea from Cotswold Fieldsports, and news editor Ben O’Rourke looks into anti-grouseshooters’ claims that grouse moors are bad for curlews. He finds that grousemoors are all that stop the curlew becoming extinct.  David is on the News Stump and Charlie has the best hunting and shooting videos from Youtube this week in Hunting YouTube. It’s all in #FieldsportsBritain 

▶ #WritetoBoris – for all the details you need

▶ Haenel
For more, go to
For our review of the Haenel Jaeger 10 Traditional hunting rifle, visit

Here are the links to the individual items in this show:

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