This week, how to take a bunny from hopping outside its hole to becoming a delicious bruschetta, cooked over an open fire. Johnny Muston has a Brocock Commander XR2 in .22 and puts it to good use shooting rabbits. Plus he shows off his skills as an outdoor chef. That’s not all. James Marchington is at the Essex Masters, as the battle for top sporting shot of the year rages between Mark Winser and Richard Faulds. And news editor Ben O’Rourke investigates the latest move in the hack – where antis have made up to 111,000 people’s details available as a Google Maps overlay, so their supporters can see where Guntrader’s users live. We give away a Yildiz Steel Sporter, we have a new competition for £140-worth of Eyeskey binos, Meredyth has the latest from the News Stump (David is away) and Charlie puts out the best hunting and shooting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s another superb #FieldsportsBritain (though we say it as shouldn’t).
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