The fallow buck with the rope tangled around its head is gnawing away at Roy Lupton – at least, the idea of it is. It’s so easy for a buck like that to get stuck on a tree and die a slow and horrible death. He knows he has to get out there to put it out of its misery. Plus it’s a buck he is sure he has seen before. This is like dealing with the welfare of an old friend. So, Roy and David are back to the woodland in Sussex to see if they can find it. Meanwhile, Charlie is off to Derby to see what makes a successful gun club. He visits the Ockbrook Gun Club, invited by Fieldsports Nation supporter Matt Ball. And Ben O’Rourke finds out how anglers are forcing the government in England to u-turn over its policy on allowing sewage to seep into British rivers. We have an author interview with Bill Harriman, we are giving away a £220 rangefinder from Baileys Shooting & Country Wear, David reads the news on the News Stump and Charlie has the best hunting and shooting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. Keep it #FieldsportsBritain.
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