Foxshooting, gamekeepers’ vehicles, rifle accuracy, bird flu, a venison recipe and the story of a rifle – it’s a truly packed programme this week. Dorset foxshooter David Pomeroy has to deal with foxes that are stealing the sheep’s cake. Richard Utting from #SharpShootingUK explains how to shoot straighter (given that you shoot straight anyway). A builder from London is keen to meet gamekeepers who want to part with their trucks, because he is armouring them and sending them to war with Russia. Cai Ap Bryn has a delicious recipe for venison jerky and Robbie Shedden from Cluny Country discusses the Blaser R8’s family tree. We are giving away Mileseey night vision priced at £173, David leads on bird flu on the news stump, and James Marchington has the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s all in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain


Here are the links to the individual items in this show:

Hunting YouTube


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