Deerstalker Al Gabriel has made it his mission to introduce as many women to deer stalking as he can. So far he thinks he’s taken 150 different women out hunting. He believes that for shooting sports to survive and thrive the UK shooting community needs to reflect society, and right now we are nowhere near it. In his latest outing for a Northumberland roebuck (what he calls a true English classic) he is guiding novice stalker Chloe Forbes. Chloe wants to feel confident enough to manage her own piece of ground supplying good quality wild meat for her family and friends. Chloe has been shooting shotguns for years, so a rifle is a new challenge.

Meanwhile, James Marchington brings you the action from the English Open Sporting Championship 2023 at Eriswell Lodge. And Deborah Hadfield finds out how ‘rewilding’ is wrecking the Welsh countryside. 

 We are giving away a Hausken moderator from Ammotec UK, priced at £300, David is on the news stump, and James Marchington has the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s all in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain



Here are the links to the individual items in this show:

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