Haenel Jaeger 10 Pro hunting rifle – review

The Haenel Jaeger 10 series are classic bolt-action hunting rifles from the Merkel factory in Suhl, Germany. Viking Arms import two models – this is the more modern looking version, the Pro, with an adjustable synthetic stock.

“This one is designed for the professional stalker who’s out in extreme conditions,” says Viking’s Andy Norris. “It’s got the same nice slick bolt action as the Heritage model, but this one has a tactile green synthetic stock, which is non-slip and works very well in the wet.”

The Haenel Jaeger Pro has an adjustable synthetic stock with tactile non-slip finish

The stock is adjustable by hand, so you can quickly raise or lower it to give the correct head position for shooting with whatever sight you decide to mount on the built-in Picatinny rail. “That could be a day scope, night vision or thermal,” Andy adds.

“This rifle is very ergonomic, it feels good in the hands, and it comes with a bipod stud as well.”

Andy is impressed with the strength of the stock too. “It’s just bombproof,” he says. “You’d have to try really hard to break it. I know it sounds silly, but you can tell by tapping on the stock. Some of them sound hollow, like a cheap bit of plastic. When you tap this one, you can tell it’s a substantial bedded stock.”

The rifle has a six-lug bolt which is smooth and slick to operate

All in all, he says, it’s a professional class rifle out of the box for a gamekeeper or professional stalker – and all for a price of around £1,600.

Read our review of the wood stocked Haenel Jaeger 10 Heritage model here.

Find out more about the Haenel Jaeger 10 series at VikingShoot.com

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