AirHeads – Scottish Rabbit Hunt
The shooter with no hands, Jamie Chandler, is in Scotland after rabbits and AirHeads new boy Mark Lewis is in Gloucestershire looking for rats. There’s news with the world’s first production airgun shotgun, and Airstreaming leads on crow and squirrel shooting. It’s your fortnightly airgun TV show, only here on YouTube. Here are the links: […]
Protecting Fragile Dunes from Rabbits
Jamie Chandler, the shooter with no hands, is confused. He is out to shoot rabbits on the coastal sand dunes of the North-West Highlands but he is not absolutely sure why. Never mind – it is the shooting that counts. This item appears in AirHeads, episode 43. To watch the whole show go to
The Airgun Shotgun – HotAir news
The headlines this week: ☆ New air shotgun ☆ British government consultation on airguns ☆ Scottish police offer airgun amnesty ☆ Gamo launches Youth Precision Airgun line ☆ Air Arms RSN10 Memorial Open Cup Challenge ☆ China pulls out of Asian airgun games ☆ Man catches rat in Saudi Arabia Aiming for accuracy – targeting […]
Barnyard Rats with an Airgun
Gloucestershire pest controller Mark Lewis is out after rats in a barn. He shows how to position yourself so you an take safe shot with a good backstop that doesn’t damage the machinery or the livestock. This item appears in AirHeads, episode 43. To watch the whole show go to