Clays on the Brain: pre shot routine TIMING
Henry Hopking offers more useful clay shooting advice. This time it’s on getting the timing right – not of the shot but of your pre-shot routine. It sounds simple but you have to put the work in. For more from Henry, go to Clay coach Ed Solomons’ website is This film was first […]
How They Set Up Double Trap at Rio 2016
Wonder how they set up Double Trap clayshooting for the Olympics? How do they make each clay pigeon fly exactly the same as the one before it? Here are the answers… This item is sponsored by Laporte clay pigeon traps This item appears in Claysports, episode 12. To watch the whole show go to […]
Beretta World 2016
The Beretta World is one of the top Sporting competitions in the UK. Held this year at the Holywell Estate, it provided testing birds in everything from bright sunshine to monsoon conditions. Still, there were three tied in the shoot-off at the end. For more about Beretta, go to This item appears in Claysports, […]
Claysports – Beretta’s Top Shots –
The UK’s top sporting shots go up against each other at the Beretta World at Holywell Estate. It’s the latest championship and comes hot on the heels of the World English Sporting Championship at EJ Churchill. Beretta’s event is hit by weather both wet and bright, making the three-way shoot off all the more exciting. […]