How to get duck flying fit, with George Digweed
20 times world champion shooter George Digweed likes doing things well and that includes presenting the best birds possible on his game shoots. We join George with his gamekeepers as he shows what’s involved in getting ducks flying fit. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 146. To watch the whole show go […]
On Test: Taclight Night Master 800 torch
Lamping foxes is an art and everyone has their own way of doing it. There are the calls, the transport, the shooting rest and of course your lamp, strength of beam, colour and the way you throw it around the place. Well, tonight fox shooting fan, Roy Lupton, is trying a new lamping system which […]
Fieldsports Britain – Teaching ducks to fly + fox and pigeon shooting
We’re out with George Digweed putting ducks in the air; we’re using a new torch to find foxes (to protect those ducks); and Realtree Pro Staff are saving a farm from attack by pigeons. We’re stuffed with September sporting activities and new ideas on how to shoot pests and vermin in the air and on […]